Abigail Ervin-Penner is an artist and poet from Lincoln, Nebraska. “I have monsters in my head. I make drawings of them and I write poems for them.”
Most of her poems and drawings are love letters to her former self. a self that has been through fire and ice and everything else, as we all have.
Abigail says she makes art for the monsters in her head and for everyone else who has monsters in their head.

“I am very inspired by everything around me. The very specific feelings that I’m sitting in at any given time are what I work with the most, combined with an overwhelming sense of insignificance. For my art, I’ve found it imperative over the past 2-3 years to remind myself that I am a grain of sand in the universe…and there’s lots of other grains of sand around me. Optimistic insignificance x the beauty of humans and feelings and everything around me definitely drive my work.”

Some of Abigails future plans include on traveling more with her work. She hopes to hit a few markets in other states and really connect with the amazing community that she has.
Abigail has gone plastic free in all of her packaging, which is an amazing accomplishment on the fulfillment end of things.

Her and her partner are excited about making their shop even more earth friendly. Mostly focused on analog creating, and reducing the reproduction of textiles. She says they are basically only making products that they’re VERY hyped about!
“We’re still making monthly drops for the shop, but everything is going to have a little more passion behind it, which makes me feel all kinds of fuzzy inside.”
Some publications and shows Abigail has been featured in!
Hutchfest 2021, Love the Locals 2019, Hearbreakers Ball 2022, Flannel Fest 2019, random Salt Creek flyers

You can follow Abigail on all her social media,
@abigailepenner on all platforms!
abigailep.com for the shop;
"Hopefully I’ll be hosting first fridays and little festivals at my office in downtown lincoln, but with this damn virus, I’m playing it safe. I simply can’t wait to share my studio space with the nebraska masses (:" says Abigail